There I Go Again How I Came to Be Mr Feeny John Adams Dr Craig Kitt Many Others

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 · 371 ratings  · 95 reviews
Outset your review of At that place I Go Again: How I Came to Be Mr. Feeny, John Adams, Dr. Craig, KITT, and Many Others
Apr 27, 2017 rated information technology it was amazing
Did you actually call back Mr. Feeny would get annihilation less than five stars? What, are you new? (tm Cory Matthews)

Besides this obvious bias, I really did enjoy this volume! It's well-written (he mentions he hand wrote it, on yellowish legal pads!), entertaining, and it leaves you wanting more, in the best way. I learned a lot. I had no idea he was a child player (on the radio - he'due south former) or that he considered himself a "song and trip the light fantastic toe human being." He's really cocky-deprecating and, perhaps realistically, aspect

Did you lot really call up Mr. Feeny would go anything less than five stars? What, are you lot new? (tm Cory Matthews)

Besides this obvious bias, I actually did enjoy this book! It'south well-written (he mentions he paw wrote it, on xanthous legal pads!), entertaining, and it leaves y'all wanting more, in the best way. I learned a lot. I had no idea he was a child actor (on the radio - he's sometime) or that he considered himself a "song and dance man." He's really self-deprecating and, perhaps realistically, attributes a lot of his success to luck. He points out that many aspiring actors never brand it, simply somehow, he did. He's very proud of the longevity of his career, and you can tell not anybody in Hollywood equates longevity with success and that is a bit of a sore point with him. But, awesomely, he's most proud of his union. They've been married for over 60 years, both actors too! (The dean Feeny marries in BMW is his wife in real life!)

Great insights about interim in radio, theater, motion-picture show, and Idiot box. Although a bit of a curmudgeon, he'south nothing but classy talking about his colleagues. A great read, and excuse me while I go watch 1776 and all 7 seasons of Boy Meets World once more.

...more than
May 06, 2017 rated it it was amazing
There's a few three or less star reviews of this book because people wanted information technology to be all almost Boy Meets World.  I am one of the meridian die hard fans of Male child Meets Globe and Mr. Feeny, but information technology's important to remember this is William Daniels' autobiography of how he "Came To Be" all these dearest characters.  This book was not advertised equally "All the Fun Things That Happened Backside the Scenes of Boy Meets World".  This is a volume near a man, and the life he lived, while also portraying characters he di At that place's a few three or less star reviews of this volume because people wanted it to be all about Male child Meets World.  I am 1 of the top die hard fans of Boy Meets World and Mr. Feeny, but it's important to remember this is William Daniels' autobiography of how he "Came To Be" all these honey characters.  This book was not advertised as "All the Fun Things That Happened Behind the Scenes of Boy Meets Earth".  This is a volume about a man, and the life he lived, while also portraying characters he didn't expect to be very popular at all.

This book was everything I wanted information technology to exist:  the story of William Daniels and an within view of which roles he enjoyed and took pride in.  I learned more from this book than I probably ever would accept on my own time and now I have a scattering of movies and shows to add together to my "to lookout man" listing.  I appreciate William Daniels' honesty and humanity in this book, and I'm glad I took the time to read it.

Margaret Sholders
I don't usually read many biographies. I had a thought nearly watching 1776 again. I saw William every bit John Adams. The next mean solar day I went to NetGalley and in that location he was standing there. I held my breath and waited to see if I got this volume to review. I got it! William started at 2 yr old and brings the reader to today. It grips you lot to see how his family unit part, or not. He was a Song and Trip the light fantastic toe creative person. He worked with his two younger sisters. I can't believe that he had worked with so many famous people I don't usually read many biographies. I had a thought near watching 1776 again. I saw William as John Adams. The next twenty-four hours I went to NetGalley and in that location he was standing there. I held my breath and waited to see if I got this book to review. I got it! William started at 2 year old and brings the reader to today. It grips you lot to see how his family part, or non. He was a Song and Trip the light fantastic artist. He worked with his 2 younger sisters. I tin't believe that he had worked with then many famous people. He doesn't pull a dial! William worked on Broadway. He acted and too worked with directing. He married his wife Bonnie 3 years before I was born. He and Bonnie worked together on St. Elsewhere. I was sad when information technology was over. I loved to heed to KITT. What a vox! I read about John Adams and I went through an Adams age before 1776. I sentinel it over and over. I fell into this book. I promise you volition want to,too! William, you are and have been my favorite actor! PS-I like your early photos. I volunteered to read and review this book. ...more
Jim Razinha
Nov xx, 2016 rated information technology information technology was amazing
I got an advanced look at this through NetGalley and it is {pick your tiptop...I have too many}. Wonderful, charming, humbly self-effacing for a man with an eighty year career. I acknowledge to never having seen him for even one second in the first role listed in the subtitle, and only snippets of the third - I wasn't a fan of St. Elsewhere, and know aught of Boy Meets World, but I loved him in 1776. As for an uncredited vocalization part, I retrieve beingness in (US Navy) boot camp in January/February 1984 a I got an advanced look at this through NetGalley and it is {pick your summit...I have too many}. Wonderful, charming, humbly cocky-effacing for a homo with an fourscore year career. I admit to never having seen him for even i 2d in the first role listed in the subtitle, and only snippets of the third - I wasn't a fan of St. Elsewhere, and know null of Male child Meets World, simply I loved him in 1776. Every bit for an uncredited voice office, I remember being in (US Navy) boot military camp in Jan/February 1984 and we were getting a lecture from our Company Commander EM1 Wycoff on a Sun dark earlier we were wrapping for the solar day when he stopped and said, "What time is it?!" ... and took off mid-lecture. You see, Fiddling Officer Wycoff drove a black Trans Am, and was obsessed with Knight Rider, and the existent star of the show, KITT.

Wonderful memoir. Clearly so, because I used "wonderful" more than one time in this "review".

Daria Zeoli
I'k a child of the 80s and a teenager of the 90s, and so William Daniels is Mr. Feeny & KITT to me.

I loved his memoir! I found his story- which he wrote in longhand, to be transcribed for impress - engaging, and I feel I learned a lot most the role player behind the "Hey, aren't you that guy?" confront.

From his start as a child histrion to his two years as SAG president, Bill Daniels tells us candidly almost his roles, both personal and professional person, over the past eight decades in show concern. It'southward an impressi

I'm a child of the 80s and a teenager of the 90s, so William Daniels is Mr. Feeny & KITT to me.

I loved his memoir! I found his story- which he wrote in longhand, to exist transcribed for print - engaging, and I experience I learned a lot nearly the thespian behind the "Hey, aren't you that guy?" confront.

From his first every bit a child histrion to his two years as SAG president, Bill Daniels tells us candidly almost his roles, both personal and professional, over the past viii decades in bear witness business. It's an impressive run and a worthwhile read.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the review re-create.

Ashly Curtis
Mar 19, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Definitely cried reading the Boy Oh Male child chapter... I'yard sad that that wasn't the end of the volume and that William Daniels isn't ACTUALLY Mr Feeny... but this book was such a captivating look into the life of an actor who has been working basically his whole entire life through the Great Low and World War Ii. Really glad I pick this up. Definitely cried reading the Boy Oh Male child chapter... I'one thousand pitiful that that wasn't the end of the book and that William Daniels isn't Actually Mr Feeny... but this book was such a captivating look into the life of an thespian who has been working basically his whole entire life through the Great Low and World War II. Actually glad I pick this up. ...more
Jan 24, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I received this book as part of a Goodreads Giveaway. As I read this book and was telling people about information technology, I got the response that was forseen past Mr. Daniels. "You are reading an autobiography nearly who?!" It is very unfortunate that one has to explain who William Daniels is, because he has e'er been an excellent thespian and phonation. I grew up with Feeny, but my favorite role of his will always exist John Adams. There is just so much humanity and pomp in that character. The book lets us in behind the I received this volume as function of a Goodreads Giveaway. As I read this volume and was telling people about it, I got the response that was forseen by Mr. Daniels. "You are reading an autobiography about who?!" It is very unfortunate that one has to explain who William Daniels is, because he has e'er been an excellent actor and voice. I grew up with Feeny, simply my favorite function of his will e'er be John Adams. In that location is just then much humanity and pomp in that character. The volume lets us in behind the ruby velvet curtain of his career and into his life and all its foibles and achievements. Anyone who is going into acting should read this book, because information technology gives hope and reality about the profession in equal doses. ...more than
Apr 17, 2017 rated it information technology was amazing
I dear theater. I love William Daniels.

If you only know William Daniels from Male child Meets World and you're wanting him to talk about his fourth dimension on the show, then you're not going to relish this book.

If you want to read a very honest, well written, emotional memoir, about a Broadway/film/television actor, then by all ways, this volume is for you.

There were little things revealed here in in that location in the class of William'southward life that I never knew (and at present knowing makes sense!). I liked hearing him talk about

I beloved theater. I love William Daniels.

If y'all merely know William Daniels from Male child Meets World and y'all're wanting him to talk about his time on the evidence, then you lot're non going to enjoy this book.

If yous want to read a very honest, well written, emotional memoir, almost a Broadway/pic/television actor, so past all means, this book is for you.

There were little things revealed here in there in the class of William's life that I never knew (and now knowing makes sense!). I liked hearing him talk about the shows he was in. He has a very interesting way of talking about theater that yous but want him to sit down side by side to you in one and talk to you nigh everything he has ever washed. :)

It was super cute that he even added Lin and his little chat from a year agone regarding Hamilton/1776.

Mr. Daniels will always be Mr. Adams to me.

Deb Jones
April xvi, 2018 rated it information technology was amazing
William Daniels, among the many other roles he'due south played and hats he has worn, is a storyteller. Reading his autobiography was much like sitting in a comfy chair, listening to him tell the story of his life. Information technology didn't take much imagination on my part to "hear" the words on the page in the actor'southward much-recognized voice.

Don't read this book if what you lot're interested in are the details of some of his most well-known roles. This isn't that kind of book. Instead, it is a glimpse into the life of a man

William Daniels, among the many other roles he's played and hats he has worn, is a storyteller. Reading his autobiography was much like sitting in a comfortable chair, listening to him tell the story of his life. Information technology didn't take much imagination on my part to "hear" the words on the page in the actor's much-recognized voice.

Don't read this book if what you're interested in are the details of some of his nigh well-known roles. This isn't that kind of volume. Instead, it is a glimpse into the life of a man with a sustained career in entertainment and acting, with insights simply someone with that feel can provide.

A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Oct 06, 2017 rated it liked it
An enjoyable look at the career of William Daniels. I am a big fan of Male child Meets Globe so I had to read this book almost one of my favorite characters on the show. He didn't talk much about it - only one affiliate - and I would have loved to know more nigh it.

It was actually cool that he knew Leo Carroll (from N by Northwest, one of my all time favorite movies) and that he laughed at Albert Finney referring to gorgeous Audrey Hepburn as Audrey Sunburn.

It had some funny moments, merely I wanted mor

An enjoyable await at the career of William Daniels. I am a large fan of Boy Meets World so I had to read this book well-nigh ane of my favorite characters on the show. He didn't talk much near it - simply i affiliate - and I would have loved to know more about it.

Information technology was really absurd that he knew Leo Carroll (from North by Northwest, ane of my all time favorite movies) and that he laughed at Albert Finney referring to gorgeous Audrey Hepburn as Audrey Sunburn.

It had some funny moments, only I wanted more near BMW.

Ryan Lindberg
Jun 12, 2018 rated it information technology was amazing
Like near people my age, I grew upwards with William Daniels as Mr. Feeny on the hit show Male child Meets World, which is also why I picked upwardly this book. I never expected the longevity or influence he had as an histrion. Every chapter has a major proper name drop: Bojangles, Billie Holiday, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and more. "There I Go Over again," is secretly a cursory history of American entertainment equally information technology covers song and trip the light fantastic toe, radio, theatre, and early to present television receiver and movies. I now have a long list of Like most people my age, I grew up with William Daniels as Mr. Feeny on the hit show Male child Meets World, which is likewise why I picked upwardly this book. I never expected the longevity or influence he had every bit an actor. Every chapter has a major name drop: Bojangles, Billie Vacation, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and more. "There I Go Again," is secretly a brief history of American amusement as it covers song and dance, radio, theatre, and early to nowadays television and movies. I now take a long listing of plays to read and tv shows and movies of Daniels to watch. He is more than Mr. Feeny to me now. ...more than
Jason VanderVlist
A detailed and exquisite look into the life of William Daniels. At times remarkably transparent, Daniels deep dives into his life growing up every bit a child histrion and the emotional turmoil this period represented in his life. Information technology'due south extremely engrossing all the while being extraneously human. A must read for theatre junkies and the like. A detailed and exquisite await into the life of William Daniels. At times remarkably transparent, Daniels deep dives into his life growing up as a child actor and the emotional turmoil this period represented in his life. It'southward extremely engrossing all the while being extraneously human. A must read for theatre junkies and the like. ...more
Aug eighteen, 2018 rated it it was amazing
I was a fan of Dr. Crain on St. Elsewhere likewise as the original John Adams in 1776. I have seen William Daniels in a lot of movies and Television shows over the years then I was very interested in his autobiography. This book did not disappoint. I was not aware that he was a child performer or that he may have been his own worst enemy in the business organization. This is a fun read for an player geek similar me.
Jessica Fellows
It was nifty to learn more about the fine actor many of us accept enjoyed through tv. To learn he had been a kid actor and an actor on broadway. At that place is so much more to him than KITT, Dr. Craig or Mr. Feeny!❤️
Aug 04, 2017 rated information technology information technology was amazing
William Daniels has had a very long career on phase, radio, and big and pocket-sized screen. I loved watching him every Fri as Mr. Feeny on Male child Meets World. In There I Go Again, he goes basically chronologically talking about some of the things he has washed in his career and through his spousal relationship to his wife. I highly recommend this volume to people who enjoy his work.
I have always enjoyed William Daniels acting from 1776 on forward. The audio book was well read by the presenter. I was hoping that there might accept been a recording or 2 by Mr. Daniels himself.
Mar 02, 2017 rated it did not like it
Yous know how they say "Don't meet your heroes?" Sometimes…they are right.

William Daniels will always exist Mr. Feeny to anyone of my generation. It doesn't matter what else he is in–whatsoever time William Daniels appears on screen, calls of FEEEEEENY are heard.

Of grade, as an actor of age, I assumed he had a career long before Male child Meets World, so his memoirs intrigued me. I snatched that book right upward when it appeared on my NetGalley dash!

Unfortunately…William Daniels is non well-nigh as well spoken as our b

You know how they say "Don't meet your heroes?" Sometimes…they are correct.

William Daniels will ever exist Mr. Feeny to anyone of my generation. Information technology doesn't matter what else he is in–any time William Daniels appears on screen, calls of FEEEEEENY are heard.

Of course, as an actor of age, I assumed he had a career long before Boy Meets Globe, so his memoirs intrigued me. I snatched that book correct up when it appeared on my NetGalley dash!

Unfortunately…William Daniels is not near as well spoken equally our beloved Mr. Feeny. It sounds like he led a pretty interesting life–he grew up during the low, was a kid histrion on Broadway, trained for WWII, and has been in evidence business his entire life. Even however, this book made me sleepy. I got to about 35% and put it down.

Sorry Feeny. Beloved you, simply I'll stick to watching Boy Meets World reruns.

William Daniels' autobiography, "There I Go Again: How I Came to be Mr. Feeny, John Adams, Dr. Craig, KITT, and Many Others," tells the story of a man fans volition recognize from many of the characters he has played: smart, irascible, talented, and frank. In fact, Daniels notes that he's a lot like Dr. Mark Craig, the character he played on the Goggle box show "St. Elsewhere:" "I tin be rather sharp, very critical, and sometimes judgmental -- a real martinet." Fortunately, he is conspicuously non like John Adam William Daniels' autobiography, "In that location I Go Again: How I Came to be Mr. Feeny, John Adams, Dr. Craig, KITT, and Many Others," tells the story of a man fans volition recognize from many of the characters he has played: smart, irascible, talented, and frank. In fact, Daniels notes that he'south a lot like Dr. Marking Craig, the graphic symbol he played on the TV show "St. Elsewhere:" "I tin can be rather precipitous, very critical, and sometimes judgmental -- a existent martinet." Fortunately, he is conspicuously not like John Adams, his character from "1776," who was "obnoxious and disliked."

Daniels also reveals a deeper, more nuanced person than any of his roles, a man whose early life as a kid performer in New York left him with crippling cocky-doubt, despite his lifelong success in the competitive acting profession. He shows considerable generosity in relating the story of his babyhood, making articulate that his relentless female parent had pushed him and his siblings into performing, but questioning (years after, with the help of analysis) why he never rejected the blueprint she created for him.

Those who enjoy entertainment biographies will appreciate Daniels' backstage stories from Broadway and his behind-the-scenes looks at TV and film in Hollywood. Although he has worked with some of the biggest "names" of the past century, he is non much of a gossip about his fellow actors, telling by and large positive stories, apart from a few drunken escapades and frustrating performances. He is actually much tougher on producers and directors, particularly Jerome Robbins.

His descriptions of the interim profession, from countless takes and difficult performances to unemployment and stardom, reveal a man who is completely dedicated to his arts and crafts. He seems to have had a career-long, single-minded devotion to offer the best performances possible, even when that means turning downwards roles he judges as sub-par or tangling with producers and directors. Daniels circles dorsum to his babyhood to suggest the roots of his perfectionism, simply he seldoms strays as well far from the narrative for deep introspection.

Daniels is notably humble in describing two of his biggest successes: His term as president of the Screen Actors' Club and his seven-decade wedlock to actress Bonnie Bartlett. In the chapter discussing his piece of work with SAG and the successful re-negotiation of favorable contract terms, for instance, he spends considerable time congratulating other actors, who worked in the negotiations or contributed to the union's strike fund. (His assessment of the SAG professional staff is scathing, though.)

Regarding Bartlett, he paints a glowing portrait of a talented, successful, steady, long-suffering spouse, who is the ideal counterbalance to his turbulence. The book fabricated me want to know more about her -- I'd be fascinated to read her autobiography!

"At that place I Go Once more" is a thoughtful, entertaining memoir. Daniels' fans -- and film, Boob tube, and theatre fans -- will savor it.

(Review copy courtesy of NetGalley.)

Laura Laidman
Dec 12, 2016 rated it really liked information technology
I grew up on Boy Meets World. I've got the entire series on DVD and I've watched about of its followup, Girl Meets World. When I saw that the man who I'd always known as Mr. Feeny had penned his autobiography, I knew I was going to have to read it.

William Daniels, the man nearly people under 30-five know as Mr. Feeny, and many others know as KITT, John Adams, Dr. Craig, and then many others, has been in prove business concern for eighty years. That was fact number one I had no clue of when I first dug int

I grew up on Boy Meets World. I've got the entire series on DVD and I've watched nearly of its followup, Girl Meets World. When I saw that the man who I'd always known every bit Mr. Feeny had penned his autobiography, I knew I was going to have to read it.

William Daniels, the man most people under 30-five know as Mr. Feeny, and many others know as KITT, John Adams, Dr. Craig, and then many others, has been in bear witness business concern for eighty years. That was fact number one I had no clue of when I first dug into memoir. I guess I've always pictured him as a sixty something man, never as a child, especially not as a child role player. From his beginnings every bit a child star, to SAG president, to every roll in between, he's lived ane hell of a life.

At ninety years old, Mr. Daniels has seen quite a lot in his life. He'southward too been rather, how should I say, standoffish about it all. From acrimony, to drinking, to the walls he's put up around him, he pulls no punches and by the cease of the volume, one can encounter the reason behind all of it. He might not take been the most pleasant homo during his life, certainly no real life Mr. Feeny, but the book is 1 thing to a higher place all else - it'southward honest.

William, or Nib equally he refers to himself, has spent more time in show concern than most stars could only dream of. He has evolved with evidence business, and his memoir captures travels through Hollywood, Broadway, New York, and travelling the U.s. across those fourscore years. Is information technology always pretty? Far from it. But it's raw, information technology'south truthful, and it's interesting. He might not be the most pleasant human, far from it during different chapters in his life, but he doesn't sugar coat his story to make himself meet in a amend life. A true open volume, There I Become Again is a marvelous look at one of Hollywood'due south treasures.

And of course, the affiliate on his time with Male child Meets World was an accented treat. Make sure you lot read all the way through to the end when Mr. Daniels sits downwardly with one of amusement'southward brightest stars of today, Lin-Manuel Miranda.

This disappointing memoir is negative from kickoff to stop. Daniels must be the most negative person in Hollywood, and the title should have been, "I Said No" because that was his reaction to virtually every role and script offered (including many of the hit roles he eventually accepted). The worst part is that he barely addresses most of the things he is known for. The Graduate? Barely mentioned. St. Elsewhere? Non much other than his Emmy wins. Knight Rider? A few sentences. Boy Meets Earth? I This disappointing memoir is negative from start to finish. Daniels must be the almost negative person in Hollywood, and the championship should have been, "I Said No" because that was his reaction to virtually every role and script offered (including many of the striking roles he eventually accepted). The worst part is that he barely addresses near of the things he is known for. The Graduate? Barely mentioned. St. Elsewhere? Not much other than his Emmy wins. Knight Rider? A few sentences. Boy Meets World? It gets eight pages, which are revealing in how much he disliked the role. You make up one's mind if you think it's worth the price of the volume. My advice would be information technology's not.

He spends much of the book demeaning his mother and siblings, making snide statements near his wife, praising himself for 1776, and complaining about everyone including himself. I'm not exaggerating in saying that there is almost cipher positive in this book, and in that location is way too trivial about the things we intendance most. This is a peachy actor with a fascinating career that intersected with some of the greatest performers in history (hunt for the Streisand reference) and he should have had some fascinating stories or details nigh the productions he was involved with. But similar with everything else, he should have said no to writing this volume.

...more than
Bonnye Reed
January 24, 2017 rated it really liked it
GNab I received a free electronic copy of this autobiography from Netgalley, Bill Daniels, and University of Nebraska Press, Potomac Books, in exchange for an honest review. Cheers all, for sharing your work with me.

William Daniels is one of those actors you 'know' as soon equally you meet their face, you tin do the whole filmography by heart, but the proper noun.... Not off-white, is it, simply he played an important roll in the lives of us baby boomers. The respect is in that location, for the memories and life lessons le

GNab I received a free electronic copy of this autobiography from Netgalley, Bill Daniels, and University of Nebraska Press, Potomac Books, in exchange for an honest review. Thank yous all, for sharing your work with me.

William Daniels is i of those actors you 'know' as before long as you lot see their face, yous can do the whole filmography past centre, but the name.... Not off-white, is it, but he played an of import scroll in the lives of u.s. infant boomers. The respect is there, for the memories and life lessons learned, even if the name escapes usa. This memoir brought back lots of those memories, and lots of laughs, every bit well. I managed to skip Goggle box almost of the 80'due south and 90'southward so I will be catching up on Dr. Craig shortly if Netflix carries it. I do remember KITT though I saw few of them, every bit well. My memories go to films, The Closer and Grey's Anatomy - and he was in a bunch of them. Give thanks you, KITT - Dr. Craig - John Adams, for the memories....
pub date March 1, 2017
University of Nebraska, Potomac Books

There are memoirs that would piece of work better equally conversations than monologues and I retrieve this is one. It'southward a little meandering and focuses less on the promises hinted at past the subtitle than on Daniels' early on life. Fans looking for anecdotes of Mr. Feeny will probably exist disappointed - he doesn't seem to have any affection for the role and appears befuddled past the devotion many millennials feel for the graphic symbol.

The best part of the book is the appendix where he and Lin Manuel Miranda accept a phone

At that place are memoirs that would piece of work ameliorate as conversations than monologues and I recollect this is ane. It's a little meandering and focuses less on the promises hinted at by the subtitle than on Daniels' early life. Fans looking for anecdotes of Mr. Feeny will probably be disappointed - he doesn't seem to take any amore for the office and appears addled past the devotion many millennials feel for the character.

The all-time part of the volume is the appendix where he and Lin Manuel Miranda have a phone chat about 1776 and Hamilton. It'south a care for and I felt it revealed more almost Daniels than most of the rest of the book.

...more than
Ana Garza
January 04, 2017 rated it it was astonishing
What an interesting life he has led. While I did wish there were more than Boy Meets Globe anecdotes, as I'k a massive fan, it was wonderful getting to know William Daniels as opposed to "Mr. Feeny."

Cheers to NetGalley for my copy of this novel.

What an interesting life he has led. While I did wish there were more Boy Meets World anecdotes, every bit I'thou a massive fan, it was wonderful getting to know William Daniels equally opposed to "Mr. Feeny."

Thanks to NetGalley for my copy of this novel.

Kristi Drillien
The long sub-championship sums upwardly what this book is almost quite nicely. The mode Mr. Daniels describes it, he sort of "fell" into show business, starting with the insistence of his female parent, and just never could find his way out of information technology, non that he tried very hard. Eventually he came to realize that it was what he wanted to be doing. In this book, he tells the story of his nearly iconic roles, and everything in betwixt--how he came to have them, and even what it was similar to play them.

My interest in this book

The long sub-title sums upwardly what this book is about quite nicely. The mode Mr. Daniels describes it, he sort of "fell" into show business, starting with the insistence of his mother, and just never could detect his manner out of it, not that he tried very hard. Eventually he came to realize that it was what he wanted to exist doing. In this book, he tells the story of his most iconic roles, and everything in between--how he came to accept them, and even what it was like to play them.

My interest in this volume initially came from my love for Male child Meets World. I was eleven when that testify first aired, which pretty much fabricated me the same historic period as the main characters. My husband and I have quoted sure lines from the show to each other for so many years that our kids exercise it now as well (and have both watched at least some of the prove themselves, and my daughter loves Daughter Meets World). Anyway, all that to say, Mr. Feeny is near and dear to my heart. At present I know that the homo who plays Mr. Feeny (yeah, present tense, because he'll always be Mr. Feeny to me) is a real person and has faced some existent struggles in his life, which has only deepened my appreciation of William Daniels.

Truth be told, I don't know much nigh the rest of the roles he has played. I've never seen Knight Rider, 1776, or St. Elsewhere. And I did wonder if I would be lost or uninterested while reading most of this book. I wasn't. Maybe a little, when he talked about other actors and actresses he worked with at different times, producers, directors, etc. Just not enough to cause a lack of enjoyment in or understanding of the book.

My simply difficulty in reading the book was due to the writing itself; a couple of times the stories left me dislocated considering information technology seemed like it was missing just some other line or two of caption before moving on. The book wasn't published past a big-name visitor (which surprises me, merely kind of goes right along with how Daniels describes himself as never being a "big star," while beingness recognizable equally the characters he'south played), and I wonder if about of the people who edited or proofread it were close to Daniels, knew his stories or life well enough to not be confused by a slight lack of explanation. Or maybe it's just me.

I am so glad that I read this volume. And the chapter about Boy Meets Globe was pretty much what I would have wanted information technology to be and fabricated me tear upward merely a footling. I would propose that if you know William Daniels from any of his roles, or are only interested in memoirs of celebrities, you cheque out this autobiography.

Apr 23, 2019 rated it information technology was astonishing
John Adams, Dr. Mark Craig, KITT, Mr. Feeny – all of these have one person in mutual – an boggling and talented actor by the name of William Daniels.

Whether you are a theater buff, movie fan, or someone who watches tv – you probably know his voice and perhaps his proper name. Merely, few people know the man backside the voices and characters and how he landed the iconic roles some of us know him for.

Originally written out in his own handwriting, on yellowish legal pads, Daniels chronicles his lif

John Adams, Dr. Mark Craig, KITT, Mr. Feeny – all of these accept one person in common – an extraordinary and talented actor by the proper name of William Daniels.

Whether yous are a theater buff, motion-picture show fan, or someone who watches idiot box – you probably know his voice and perhaps his name. But, few people know the man behind the voices and characters and how he landed the iconic roles some of us know him for.

Originally written out in his own handwriting, on xanthous legal pads, Daniels chronicles his life leading up to the fundamental roles that take distinguished his career.

Often self-deprecating; only filled with a apprehensive honesty; Daniels chronicles his life from his babyhood in evidence-business concern to his time in the Army, his marriage to extra Bonnie Bartlett and their family, to his time in theater before his roles in film then television. He as well tells of his two years as president of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG).

If you lot're looking for "dirt" on others he has acted with – y'all won't notice it. This isn't a scathing, revealing "tell-all". If you're looking for a more in-depth look at the roles of John Adams, Dr. Marker Craig, KITT, and Mr. Feeny – yous won't find that either. Though at that place are some stories he has included in this memoir, and the well-nigh touching is the "goodbye" scene from Male child Meets Earth.

As much as I wanted to hear virtually John Adams (which my mom gives high accolades to) and even more about the role of KITT (that's what I know him as), it's vitally important to call up that Daniels is greater than the roles he has played. Daniels deserves his entire story (and life) told.

In this book, yous will find a human being who has had a remarkable career in each medium – theater, film, and television receiver. A homo, who didn't want to be an thespian, but came to gradual acceptance of it and didn't just perform, but excelled.

A homo who often said "no", but to find that a reluctant acceptance to the role brought not only not bad success, simply accolades and praise over 30-40+ years after the operation.

Daniels' story is one of remarkable fortitude as well as persistence. And, despite some thinking he isn't a success – his wedlock, his family, his longevity – prove otherwise. His story proves that 1 doesn't have to have a blockbuster motion-picture show or mega-star status to be "successful", but small roles can brand a difference in the success of a story besides as life. He also teaches us that sometimes, even if accidentally, we end up where we're supposed to be in life.

Marianne Betters
Dr. Mark Craig

Equally a young female parent in the 1980's, with six children born between 1975-1990; I watched very piffling TV. But I never missed St. Elsewhere. At the fourth dimension I identified with the generation of young doctors, but admired the older characters. During this pandemic, my married man and I are watching again from the first season to the last. At present a retired counselor and a grandmother, my life experience is rich. I have been securely moved by several of Bill Daniels' scenes- in tears or speechless. When

Dr. Mark Craig

Equally a young mother in the 1980'south, with six children born between 1975-1990; I watched very footling TV. But I never missed St. Elsewhere. At the time I identified with the generation of young doctors, but admired the older characters. During this pandemic, my husband and I are watching again from the first season to the concluding. Now a retired advisor and a grandmother, my life experience is rich. I have been deeply moved by several of Beak Daniels' scenes- in tears or speechless. When Ellen couldn't get out of the automobile for Steven'due south burial. When he stayed in the trailer with Barbara'south other grandfather, and learned how securely this man loved and sacrificed for his family. The drive for excellence. Expecting the aforementioned from the immature people he mentored. Bedside scenes with patients. So many more than... I know this review is for the book, non a television series. Only reading this volume written late in Neb Daniels' life...his personal history, how his career fit into who he was, the long union to Bonnie Bartlett, successes as well every bit cocky doubtfulness and betrayals..... was fascinating, distressing, touching, and both tough and tender. An inspiring story of beingness genuinely who you lot are, having such resilience, accepting others with all their gifts as well every bit demons. Finally— having the humility and depth of feeling to continue to procedure his journey in therapy as he approached the historic period of 90! Comparing Mr. Daniels' book to his role as Dr. Craig in St. Elsewhere... or the teacher in Boy Meets Earth —- gave me an understanding of where his acting genius came from. He plays his characters as intended by the screenwriters, only he brings those roles to life by bringing who he IS into his work. It is powerful! Watching this show again is a catharsis for me in many ways. Discovering and reading Bill Daniels' book at the same time has been a bonus. Highly recommend!

When I bought this book over the summertime, I idea I was getting a really great read. However, in one case I opened information technology, I had forgotten only how old the "character" was and had forgotten that he had other positions before the one I recollect him on (Mr. Feeny on Boy Meets World). So, although it took me a few months to go through - battling some auto issues and some medical checks (that came out negative in the end (ugh)), the read through on this volume just lingered on for and then long.

When the author wrote

When I bought this volume over the summertime, I thought I was getting a really corking read. Yet, in one case I opened it, I had forgotten just how erstwhile the "character" was and had forgotten that he had other positions before the one I remember him on (Mr. Feeny on Boy Meets World). So, although it took me a few months to go through - battling some automobile bug and some medical checks (that came out negative in the terminate (ugh)), the read through on this book just lingered on for so long.

When the author wrote most chapters, information technology didn't feel that the capacity were very well written. I mean, it wasn't too wordy. Just the descriptors merely weren't there that could've enticed me to read more than of it - a lot more often. I lost involvement in this book for a flake, and past a few days ago, I had it out and read three chapters over four hours the other night. Average reading speed tended to be quick, simply the amount of folio turns just showed to be longer.

...Then in that location's the fact that in that location's a useless appendix - an "interview" taken from someone else that was only mentioned in the epilogue, then by the time yous picked it upwardly, really made you wonder "why am I reading this at present?" and chances are that you'll put the book down again, after reading 98% of the book or throwing the book in the trash (which I'll probably delete this book a couple of years down the line - since it'due south on my Kindle). I really exercise wish he would've focused more on his work on Boy Meets World, and some of the events taken on the ready, just then again, he mentioned things in other TV shows that weren't very much, when he gave quite a bit in the corporeality of on-Broadway stuff that I wasn't really wanting to know much about.

If you want to read most him, it seems like the writer created this book to supplement his resume. But then once more, since he's still alive, information technology's an unending story.

Mar 27, 2022 rated it really liked it
First off let me country that I am not a detail fan of Mr. Daniels. I don't mean that I dislike his work or have annihilation against him, I am merely saying that I have never sought out anything simply considering he was in it.

I was only vaguely aware of his career prior to reading this book and virtually of what I was familiar with was the television work. I had no thought that he had been a child performer, was on a show in the early on days of radio or really much at all about his phase career. I only chose

First off let me state that I am not a particular fan of Mr. Daniels. I don't mean that I dislike his work or have annihilation confronting him, I am merely saying that I take never sought out anything simply considering he was in information technology.

I was just vaguely aware of his career prior to reading this volume and most of what I was familiar with was the boob tube work. I had no thought that he had been a child performer, was on a prove in the early on days of radio or really much at all about his stage career. I merely chose this book because it seemed similar it might be interesting.

Mr. Daniels relates how he began his entertainment career as a "song-and-dance-man" around the age of four and became role of a family act with his 2 younger sisters earlier branching out into acting in the theater. He takes you through his career every bit a young actor up to starring on Broadway and and so the move to television set which made him familiar to a wide audition.

The book is told in an easy to read conversational style, a chip curmudgeonly but I call back that's just Mr. Daniels personal style showing through. It was interesting to share some of his experiences of the old days in show business organization, it would take been nice if he would have gone a little bit more in depth on some of the corking quondam stars that he met and worked with but you lot tin can't have everything.

All in all, At that place I Get Once more is an interesting book about someone who quite literally spent almost his entire life in show business concern. If youre a fan of one of his television shows looking for deeper insight into what is was like making those shows or working with those casts you will virtually certianly be disappointed equally he touches only briefly on his tv set series.

***Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this championship.

Jul 23, 2017 rated information technology actually liked it
Thanks to Netgalley for this volume.

I knew William Daniels had been in a number of things but I volition always know and love him as Mr. Feeny. I am a child of ABCs Friday Night Family and grew upwardly on Male child Meets Earth. (Allow'southward ignore the abomination that is the sequel). His dry delivery never failed to tickle me and his underlying warmth brought a tear to my middle, specially in the finale (omg when he touches that desk!!!).

Simply, I was very impressed to learn that he has been in show business organization nearly his en

Cheers to Netgalley for this book.

I knew William Daniels had been in a number of things just I volition always know and love him equally Mr. Feeny. I am a child of ABCs Friday Nighttime Family and grew up on Male child Meets World. (Let's ignore the abomination that is the sequel). His dry commitment never failed to tickle me and his underlying warmth brought a tear to my centre, specially in the finale (omg when he touches that desk!!!).

But, I was very impressed to learn that he has been in prove concern nearly his entire life, thanks to his domineering stage mother Irene. Lord Irene, many a therapist has probably put their kids through college thanks to the number Irene did on Mr. Daniels. I do like that amount of introspection he has and the openness he shared nearly undergoing counseling, the problematic periods in his wedlock, the loss of his kickoff child (heartbreaking!!) and the adoption of his two sons. He is able to embrace his life in enough particular for the reader without overwhelming us with minutiae, something other "stars" sometimes take trouble with (nosotros know you lot're famous simply we don't literally demand to know EVERYTHING). Smashing vignettes almost his work and personal life are sprinkled throughout the factual recountings keeping the book interesting and well-paced.

His sense of sense of humor and warmth came through as he oft poked fun at himself, admitting he has stumbled somewhat ass-backwards into some of his biggest roles, and fifty-fifty while sharing negative stories about others is able to point out some of their positive characteristics and try to see things from their point of view. It was cool to read nearly all of the people he has met and worked with during his career. I idea this was a great example of how an autobiography should be washed.

I started this book last summer thanks to Netgalley providing me with an advance copy. Unfortunately, real life with higher kept me away, so I needed to re-read and I'm glad I did. I would requite this iv.5 stars.

Overall, I found Mr. Daniels' writing style to my liking (though some might not). In that location was something most how he presented his life with his asides highly-seasoned to me and fabricated him feel more than like an everyday guy who struggled with the everyday happenings despite having get a well-known a

I started this book final summer cheers to Netgalley providing me with an advance copy. Unfortunately, real life with higher kept me abroad, so I needed to re-read and I'yard glad I did. I would give this four.v stars.

Overall, I found Mr. Daniels' writing style to my liking (though some might non). There was something about how he presented his life with his asides appealing to me and made him feel more similar an everyday guy who struggled with the everyday happenings despite having become a well-known role player. Sometimes there were a lot of names given, and though sometimes I felt a bit overwhelmed by the amount, I did find it quite extraordinary just how well Mr. Daniels could recall these vary encounters he had decades earlier--information technology made me wonder how he could still remember. Sure, he'southward an player who needed to memorize lines, etc., and maybe he has kept personal diaries or the like to help. Still, I establish his life then interesting. I asked to receive an ARC based on the name of the book, especially considering of KITT and Mr. Feeny in the title (plus I remembered him from St. Elsewhere and hoped this would exist included and information technology was) and wanted to know more about this role player. I enjoyed his recount of the way he retold the way he was cast for the voice of KITT the about!

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading autobiographies told from a very downwardly-to-earth indicate of view from an histrion who seems, at to the lowest degree to me and my impression after reading, quite humble and 18-carat.

(for my own notes: began re-reading again from beginning June 1st and completed June 22nd, 2018 -- the start appointment seems to exist off somehow)


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