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It's that time of year again!  Where the green beer flows abundant and the Leprechauns come out and play.  And you know what these wee folks do?  They collect the exuberant amounts of money that you spend on beer, lagers, and Guiness to fill their pot of gold, that's what!

So today we have some good ole' Irish Corned Beef with Cabbage, plus some potatoes and carrots.  What is Corn Beef, you ask?   And why is it so popular around St. Patrick's Day?  Well, honestly?  I have no clue!  Let's go look it up on Wikipedia, shall we?  Okay, here's the link, let's stick with the food here and leave the history lesson to Wiki.

I've actually made this before last year.  As you can probably already tell, I frequent the Trader Joes market like it's my second home.  I saw a package of Corned Beef on the shelf last year and thought Why not?!  Except last year, I totally screwed it up and it was pretty blah and uneventful.
However, this year, I do believe the pressure cooker has saved it from any risk of a disaster.   Thank you Peggy, for being at the end of my rainbow!(In case you're new, Peggy's the name of my pressure cooker.)

This is a really simple recipe if you purchase the pre-cured corned beef from the market.  The list of ingredients is nice and short.  But it can feed a nice big family.

2 Cups of Potatoes; cut into halves or chunks
2 Cups of Carrots; Baby or chopped
1 Whole Yellow Onion; Halved
2 Cups of Shredded Cabbage; or Whole Chopped Cabbage is fine too
3-4lbs. of Cured Corned Beef
1 bottle of Beer or Lager

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Now, don't be afraid.  I've had several people contact me about their brand new pressure cooker.  That they purchased it and it sat in their kitchen unopened, and they just stared at it because they're afraid of it.  Don't worry, it's not going to bite.  The machine is seriously so easy to use and so safe.

Peel the onion and cut it in half.  Don't worry about cutting it in small pieces.  Onions always pretty much melt and almost disintegrate in the pressure cooker.  Put the onion into the main cooking pot and then add the whole bottle of beer.  Or Lager or Guiness, whatever floats your boat.
Open up the package of the Corned Beef.  Retain all the seasonings and juices in the package and put all of it into the main pot.  And of course, don't forget the corned beef.

Shut the lid and turn it counter-clockwise to lock it into position.  Turn the pressure valve to Airtight.  Press the SET PRESSURE COOK TIME button until the green digits display 45.  Then press the START button.  That's it!  It's that easy.

Once the meat has finished cooking, you can release the pressure by turning the pressure valve to Exhaust.  Then open the lid and add the potatoes and carrots to pot.  Don't add the cabbage just yet.  Shut the lid again and lock everything. Program the cook time for 10-minutes this time and press START.

When that cycle is complete, release the pressure again and open the lid.  Add the cabbage to the top of everything. Shut the lid but don't turn anything on.  Just let the Keep Warm and leftover heat cook and soften the cabbage.  This way, it'll still retain most of its color instead of turning into a brownish mess.  Wait about 2-3 minutes and everything should be ready to go.
Remove the corn beef onto a platter to slice and serve with the veggies on the side.  OR you can also serve thin slices of the beef on rye bread with cheese and mustard with a little cabbage.  You can't beat a good Corned Beef Sandwich!

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